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Ifoto Denoise 2 1

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IFoto Denoise 2.5.0 Since noisy images are inevitable, what should you do to reduce noise for cameras or iPhone? Especially when you shooting in Lowlight environment or moving stuff. IFoto Denoise is the best Noise reduction software to minimize image grain and other imperfections. IFoto Denoise 2.5 – Photo/Image Noise Reduction. February 16, 2017. Since noisy images are inevitable, what should you do to reduce noise for cameras or iPhone? Especially when you shooting in Lowlight environment or moving stuff. IFoto Denoise is the best Noise reduction software to minimize image grain and other imperfections.

Version v1.4.20 - Update 2010/07/02
Category Spatio-Temporal Denoisers
DiscussionDoom9 Thread


A motion compensated noise removal script with an accompanying post-processing component.
This script is a motion compensated temporal denoiser, which utilizes both pixel and motion masks to obtain the highest quality output. It also includes a variety of post-processing filters, everything from sharpening to anti-aliasing to halo removal. Plus much more!


Some of this information may be outdated and/or incomplete, check the Doom9 Thread for up-to-date version !!!

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Required Filters

Latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise.
Note: You do not necessarily need all of these filters for this script to function. There are special modes that enable the use of specific filters at specific times, but these are only used when necessary. Just to be safe, make sure you have all of the filters listed below in you 'Plugins' folder.

  • FFT3DFilter or FFT3DGPU
  • RemoveGrain and Repair - part of the RemoveGrain v1.0b package.
  • RgTools - recommended drop-in replacement for RemoveGrain & Repair!

Syntax and Parameters

MCTemporalDenoise( clip i, int 'radius', int 'sigma', bool 'twopass', bool 'useTTmpSm', int 'limit', int 'limit2', bool 'fixFFT3D', bool 'chroma', bool 'GPU', bool 'MT', int 'idx', bool 'interlaced', int 'sharp', bool 'adapt', int 'strength', int 'SHmode', int 'SHmethod', int 'Slimit', int 'Sovershoot', bool 'Tlimit', int 'Tovershoot', bool 'protect', int 'cutoff', int 'threshold', int 'maxdiff', bool 'AA', bool 'useEEDI2', float 'reduc', int 'maxd', int 'AAthr', int 'method', bool 'deblock', bool 'useQED', int 'quant1', int 'quant2', bool 'edgeclean', int 'ECrad', int 'ECthr', string 'ECmode', bool 'stabilize', int 'maxr', int 'TTstr', bool 'flat', float 'GFthr', int 'AGstr', int 'bias', int 'bwbh', int 'owoh', int 'blksize', int 'overlap', bool 'truemotion', bool 'safe', bool 'MVglobal', int 'bt', int 'ncpu', int 'precision', int 'mode', int 'thSAD', int 'thSAD2', int 'thSCD1', int 'thSCD2', int 'pel', int 'pelsearch', int 'search', int 'searchparam', int 'MVsharp', int 'DCT', clip 'p', string 'settings', bool 'show', int 'screenW', int 'screenH' )


radiusint = based on mode
Temporal radius [1.6]

sigmaint = based on mode
FFT3D sigma [0=no pre-filtering,1.]

twopassbool = based on mode
Do the denoising job in 2 stages (stronger but very slow)

useTTmpSmbool = based on mode
Use MVDegrain (faster) or MVCompensate TTempsmooth (stronger)

limitint = based on mode
Limit the effect of the first denoising [-1=auto,0=off,1.255]

limit2int = based on mode
Limit the effect of the second denoising (if twopass=true) [-1=auto,0=off,1.255]

fixFFT3Dbool = based on mode
Prevent posterize/banding issue when limit=-1 (due to high sigma used in FFT3D)

chromabool = based on mode
Process or not the chroma plane

GPUbool = true
Use FFT3Dfilter or FFT3Dgpu (WARNING: May cause 'rare' crash with some graphic card!)

MTbool = false
Use MVTools(official) or MVToolsMULTI (WARNING: Faster but - unstable, use with caution!)

idxint = 40
MVTools initial idx

interlacedbool = false
Input video interlaced or not


sharpint = based on mode
Enable Post-Sharpening [0=off, 1=contra-sharpening, 2= Spatial-Sharpening + Motion-compensated temporal limiting]

Slots that pay out. adaptbool = true
Adaptative sharpening --> sharp only static & detailed areas, prevents grain sharpening & save much bitrate (+-10/15%)

strengthint = radius*100
Sharpening strength ( see LSFmod: strength )

SHmodeint = based on mode
Sharpening mode ( see LSFmod: Smode )

SHmethodint = based on mode
Sharpening method ( see LSFmod: Smethod )

Slimitint = 0
Spatial limiting ( see LSFmod: Lmode )

Sovershootint = 0
Spatial overshoot ( see LSFmod: overshoot )

Tlimitbool = true
Temporal limiting (Motion compensated, clamp output to Tovershoot)

Ifoto Denoise 2 1.3

Tovershootint = 0
Temporal overshoot +-= Maximum sharpening excess allowed (If overrange=0, don't sharpen more than the original clip.)


protectbool = false
Enable star & bright points protection

cutoffint = 64
Luma cutoff (process only brighter areas than this value) [0=all,1.255]

thresholdint = 16
Luma threshold (minimal change needed to be filtered, the higher = the lesser areas are filtered) [0.127]

maxdiffint = 4
Maximum change allowed between source and result (the lesser, the brighter) [0=source,1.255]


AAbool = false
Enable antialiasing (only on edges)

useEEDI2bool = based on mode
If true use EEDI2 filtering, else use SANGNOM filtering

reducfloat = 0.5
MC-soothe reduc parameter, reduc-1 turn off MC-antialiasing [-1=off,]

maxdint = useEEDI2?24:48
If EEDI2 is used it's his maxd setting, if SANGNOM is used it's his AA setting (see docs of these filters)

AAthrint = based on mode
Threshold for mask (the higher, the less 'small edges' are process) [0.255]

methodint = based on mode
Sharpness for downsize [0=bilinear,1=spline36,2=lanczos4]


deblockbool = false
Enable deblocking before the denoising

useQEDbool = based on mode
If true, use Deblock_QED, else use Deblock (faster & stronger)

Ifoto Denoise 2 1

quant1int = based on mode
Deblock_QED 'quant1' parameter (Deblock 'quant' parameter is '(quant1 quant2)/2')

quant2int = based on mode
Deblock_QED 'quant2' parameter (Deblock 'quant' parameter is '(quant1 quant2)/2')


edgecleanbool = false
Enable safe edgeclean process after the denoising (only on edges which are in non-detailed areas, so 'no' quality loss)

ECradint = based on mode
Radius for mask (the higher, the greater distance from the edge is filtered)

ECthrint = based on mode
Threshold for mask (the higher, the less 'small edges' are process) [0.255]

ECmodestring = based on mode
Script/Filter used for cleaning edges (ex: 'dfttest().dehalo_alpha()', don't forget quotes '. Dfttest is good for dering)

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stabilizebool = based on mode
Enable ttempsmooth post processing to stabilize only flat areas (background will be less 'nervous')

maxrint = based on mode
Temporal radius (the higher, the more stable image)

TTstrint = based on mode
Strength (see TTempSmooth docs)


quant1int = based on mode
Deblock_QED 'quant1' parameter (Deblock 'quant' parameter is '(quant1 quant2)/2')

quant2int = based on mode
Deblock_QED 'quant2' parameter (Deblock 'quant' parameter is '(quant1 quant2)/2')


edgecleanbool = false
Enable safe edgeclean process after the denoising (only on edges which are in non-detailed areas, so 'no' quality loss)

ECradint = based on mode
Radius for mask (the higher, the greater distance from the edge is filtered)

ECthrint = based on mode
Threshold for mask (the higher, the less 'small edges' are process) [0.255]

ECmodestring = based on mode
Script/Filter used for cleaning edges (ex: 'dfttest().dehalo_alpha()', don't forget quotes '. Dfttest is good for dering)

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stabilizebool = based on mode
Enable ttempsmooth post processing to stabilize only flat areas (background will be less 'nervous')

maxrint = based on mode
Temporal radius (the higher, the more stable image)

TTstrint = based on mode
Strength (see TTempSmooth docs)

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enhancebool = false
Enable gradfun2db & addgrain only in flat & static areas (to avoid banding & blocking when encoding)

GFthrfloat = based on mode
Gradfun2db threshold [1.0=off,.]

AGstrint = 0
AddGrain strength [0=off,.]

biasint = 64
Brightness bias for adaptative grain mask (the higher, the less grain in dark areas & the more grain in bright areas) [-1=off,0=input,1.254,255=invert]


Easeus data recovery wizard 10 9. bwbhint = based on mode
FFT3D blocksize

owohint = bwbh/2
FFT3D overlap (speed: bwbh/3, quality: bwbh/2)

blksizeint = based on mode
MVTools blocksize

overlapint = blksize/2
MVTools overlap (speed: blksize/3, quality: blksize/2)


truemotionbool = based on mode
MVTools truemotion

safebool = truemotion?false:true
Repair compensated frames (work only with UseTTmpSm=true)

MVglobalbool = true
MVTools global


btint = based on mode
FFT3D block temporal size

ncpuint = 1
FFT3Dfilter ncpu

precisionint = 2
FFT3Dgpu precision

modeint = 1
FFT3Dgpu mode


thSADint = based on mode
MVTools thSAD for the first pass

thSAD2int = thSAD
MVTools thSAD for the second pass (if twopass=true)

thSCD1int = based on mode
MVTools thSCD1

thSCD2int = based on mode
MVTools thSCD2

pelint = based on mode
MVTools pel

pelsearchint = pel
MVTools pelsearch

searchint = 2
MVTools search

searchparamint = 2
MVTools searchparam

MVsharpint = based on mode
MVTools sharp

DCTint = 0


pstring = empty
Set an external prefilter clip

settingsstring = low
Global MCTemporalDenoise settings


Ifoto Denoise 2 13

showbool = false
Show debug clip & informations

screenWint = 1280
Screen horizontal resolution (for show clip)

screenHint = 1024
Screen vertical resolution (for show clip)



Ifoto Denoise 2 128

This is the post processing portion of MCTemporalDenoise, and it has the wonderful ability to be called externally.It differs from MCTemporalDenoise in the fact that it doesn't denoise, and that all settings default to off. Meaning, you do nothing without turning on a feature.

Parameters are the same as MCTemporalDenoise.

'Sharp' & 'Protect' options need 2 inputs/ Example:

The others only need 'denoised'.

By default, all filters are off!




Ifoto Denoise 2 1.0

External Links

  • Doom9 Forum - MCTemporalDenoise discussion.
  • Doom9 Forum - MCTD mod4.2 by 06_taro | small update (mod4.3) by AmjadSONY.
  • NMM-HD Forum - MCTDmod discussion [Chinese].
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